Jun 17Liked by David Bocking

Another lovely read!

Around where I live (Norton) there are grass verges which have been mown along the edge but left in the middle, plus many verges which haven’t been mown at all. Graves Park also has areas mown round the edges but not in the middle. So I wonder whether the council has forgotten them, or whether it’s a deliberate policy.

I know some people get cross about fluffy grass verges (so untidy!!), and some even go out and mow them themselves, but I rather like them. Maybe they’re particularly unpopular with people who want to park their cars on them.

A few weeks back, a lady who knows what she’s talking about mentioned that it was illegal for members of the public to do anything to these verges. This seems such a shame, as you often see guerrilla-planted spring flowers appearing in them, which looks lovely! Wouldn’t it be nice if we were formally allowed to plant up these verges? There are many grassy areas around and about which have been planted up by the council, using Pictorial Meadows flower mixes (viewable on the interweb - I’m sure other seed mixes are available 😉). They are widely admired, and provide a huge resource for wildlife.

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Thanks Susan. I believe many landowners (including the council) are looking at how to allow more grasses and wildflowers to grow by just mowing the edges, or paths through the new meadows. The idea is that this shows the public that there is an intention behind the mowing regime, rather than just being left and not cared for. There's still a lot of work to do on this however. Regarding the legality of guerrilla planting - I think your friend is correct, as there'll technically be a landowner and highway authority to be asked before you start planting in a grass verge yourself. But my sense is that the council has neither the resources nor the inclination to challenge this if done sensitively.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Liked by David Bocking

I’m sure your sense is correct David! I’m thinking of slipping out in the dead of night to sneak a few bulbs in near our house 😉. It’s great that there is a more enlightened attitude these days 😊

PS I think said knowledgeable lady was adding a comment in the Tribune a few weeks back….

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